Advanced usage¶
Configuring Client resources¶
Client resources are configuration settings for the client related to
performance, concurrency, and events. A vast part of Client resources
consists of thread pools (EventLoopGroup
s and a EventExecutorGroup
which build the infrastructure for the connection workers. In general,
it is a good idea to reuse instances of ClientResources
multiple clients.
Client resources are stateful and need to be shut down if they are supplied from outside the client.
Creating Client resources¶
Client resources are required to be immutable. You can create instances using two different patterns:
The create()
factory method
By using the create()
method on DefaultClientResources
you create
with default settings:
This approach fits the most needs.
Resources builder
You can build instances of DefaultClientResources
by using the
embedded builder. It is designed to configure the resources to your
needs. The builder accepts the configuration in a fluent fashion and
then creates the ClientResources at the end:
ClientResources res = DefaultClientResources.builder()
Using and reusing ClientResources
A RedisClient
and RedisClusterClient
can be created without passing
upon creation. The resources are exclusive to the
client and are managed itself by the client. When calling shutdown()
of the client instance ClientResources
are shut down.
If you require multiple instances of a client or you want to provide
existing thread infrastructure, you can configure a shared
instance using the builder. The shared Client
resources can be passed upon client creation:
ClientResources res = DefaultClientResources.create();
RedisClient client = RedisClient.create(res);
RedisClusterClient clusterClient = RedisClusterClient.create(res, seedUris);
Shared ClientResources
are never shut down by the client. Same applies
for shared EventLoopGroupProvider
s that are an abstraction to provide
Why Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors()
* 3?¶
Netty requires different EventLoopGroup
s for NIO (TCP) and for EPoll
(Unix Domain Socket) connections. One additional EventExecutorGroup
used to perform computation tasks. EventLoopGroup
s are started lazily
to allocate Threads on-demand.
Every client instance requires a call to shutdown()
to clear used
resources. Clients with dedicated ClientResources
(i.e. no
passed within the constructor/create
-method) will
shut down ClientResources
on their own.
Client instances with using shared ClientResources
passed using the constructor/create
-method) won’t
shut down the ClientResources
on their own. The ClientResources
instance needs to be shut down once it’s not used anymore.
Configuration settings¶
The basic configuration options are listed in the table below:
Name | Method | Default |
I/O Thread Pool Size | ioThreadPoolSize |
Number of processors |
The number of threads in the I/O thread pools. The number defaults to the number of available processors that the runtime returns (which, as a well-known fact, sometimes does not represent the actual number of processors). Every thread represents an internal event loop where all I/O tasks are run. The number does not reflect the actual number of I/O threads because the client requires different thread pools for Network (NIO) and Unix Domain Socket (EPoll) connections. The minimum I/O threads are 3 . A pool with fewer threads can cause undefined behavior. |
Computation Thread Pool Size | comput ationThreadPoolSize |
Number of processors |
The number of threads in the computation thread pool. The number defaults to the number of available processors that the runtime returns (which, as a well-known fact, sometimes does not represent the actual number of processors). Every thread represents an internal event loop where all computation tasks are run. The minimum computation threads are 3 . A pool with fewer threads can cause undefined behavior. |
Advanced settings¶
Values for the advanced options are listed in the table below and should not be changed unless there is a truly good reason to do so.
Name | Method | Default |
Provider for EventLoopGroup | eventLoopGroupProvider |
none |
For those who want to reuse existing netty infrastructure or the
total control over the thread pools, the
EventLoopGroupProvider API provides a way to do so.
EventLoopGroup s are obtained and managed by an
EventLoopGroupProvider . A provided
EventLoopGroupProvider is not managed by the client and
needs to be shut down once you no longer need the resources. |
Provided EventExecutorGroup | eventExecutorGroup |
none |
For those who want to reuse existing netty infrastructure or the
total control over the thread pools can provide an existing
EventExecutorGroup to the Client resources. A provided
EventExecutorGroup is not managed by the client and needs
to be shut down once you do not longer need the resources. |
Event bus | eventBus |
DefaultEventBus |
The event bus system is used to transport events from the client to
subscribers. Events are about connection state changes, metrics, and
more. Events are published using a RxJava subject and the default
implementation drops events on backpressure. Learn more about the Reactive API. You can also publish your own
events. If you wish to do so, make sure that your events implement the
Event marker interface. |
Command latency collector options | commandLatencyCollectorOptions |
DefaultCommandLatencyCollectorOptions |
The client can collect latency metrics during while dispatching
commands. The options allow configuring the percentiles, level of
metrics (per connection or server) and whether the metrics are
cumulative or reset after obtaining these. Command latency collection is
enabled by default and can be disabled by setting
commandLatencyPublisherOptions(…) to
DefaultEventPublisherOptions.disabled() . Latency
collector requires LatencyUtils to be on your class
path. |
Command latency collector | commandLatencyCollector |
DefaultCommandLatencyCollector |
The client can collect latency metrics during while dispatching
commands. Command latency metrics is collected on connection or server
level. Command latency collection is enabled by default and can be
disabled by setting commandLatencyCollectorOptions(…) to
DefaultCommandLatencyCollectorOptions.disabled() . |
Latency event publisher options | commandLatencyPublisherOptions |
DefaultEventPublisherOptions |
Command latencies can be published using the event bus. Latency
events are emitted by default every 10 minutes. Event publishing can be
disabled by setting commandLatencyPublisherOptions(…) to
DefaultEventPublisherOptions.disabled() . |
DNS Resolver | dnsResolver |
DnsResolvers.JVM_DEFAULT ( or netty if present) |
Since: 3.5, 4.2. Deprecated: 6.4 Configures a DNS resolver to resolve hostnames to a
Since 4.4: Defaults to |
Address Resolver Group | addressResolverGroup |
DefaultAddressResolverGroup.INSTANCE ( or netty DnsAddressResolverGroup if present) |
Since: 6.1 Sets the Users of DNS-based Redis-HA setups (e.g. AWS ElastiCache) might want to configure a different DNS resolver group. For example: |
Reconnect Delay | reconnectDelay |
Delay.exponential() |
Since: 4.2 Configures a reconnect delay used to delay reconnect attempts.
Defaults to binary exponential delay with an upper boundary of
Netty Customizer | NettyCustomizer |
none |
Since: 4.4 Configures a netty customizer to enhance netty components. Allows
customization of |
Tracing | tracing |
disabled |
Since: 5.1 Configures a |
ClientOptions allow controlling behavior for some specific features.
ClientOptions are immutable. Connections inherit the current options at the moment the connection is created. Changes to options will not affect existing connections.
Name | Method | Default |
PING before activating connection | pingBeforeActivateConnection |
true |
Since: 3.1, 4.0 Perform a lightweight Failed The |
Auto-Reconnect | autoReconnect |
true |
Since: 3.1, 4.0 Controls auto-reconnect behavior on connections. As soon as a connection gets closed/reset without the intention to close it, the client will try to reconnect, activate the connection and re-issue any queued commands. This flag also has the effect that disconnected connections will refuse commands and cancel these with an exception. |
Replay filter | replayFilter |
(cmd) -> false |
Since: 6.6 Controls which commands are to be filtered out in case the driver
attempts to reconnect to the server. Returning This flag has no effect in case the autoReconnect feature is not enabled. |
Cancel commands on reconnect failure | cancelCommandsOnReconnectFailure |
false |
Since: 3.1, 4.0 This flag is deprecated and should not be used as it can lead to race conditions and protocol offsets. SSL is natively supported by Lettuce and does no longer requires the use of SSL tunnels where protocol traffic can get out of sync. If this flag is |
Policy how to reclaim decode buffer memory | decodeBufferPolicy |
ratio-based at 75% |
Since: 6.0 Policy to discard read bytes from the decoding aggregation buffer to
reclaim memory. See |
Suspend reconnect on protocol failure | suspendReconnectOnProtocolFailure |
false (was introduced in 3. 1 with default true) |
Since: 3.1, 4.0 If this flag is Reconnection can be activated again, but there is no public API to
obtain the |
Request queue size | requestQueueSize |
2147483647 (Integer#MAX_VALUE) |
Since: 3.4, 4.1 Controls the per-connection request queue size. The command
invocation will lead to a |
Disconnected behavior | disconnectedBehavior |
Since: 3.4, 4.1 A connection can behave in a disconnected state in various ways. The auto-connect feature allows in particular to retrigger commands that have been queued while a connection is disconnected. The disconnected behavior setting allows fine-grained control over the behavior. Following settings are available:
Protocol Version | protocolVersion |
Latest/Auto-discovery |
Since: 6.0 Configuration of which protocol version (RESP2/RESP3) to use. Leaving this option unconfigured performs a protocol discovery to use the latest available protocol. |
Script Charset | scriptCharset |
UTF-8 |
Since: 6.0 Charset to use for Luascripts. |
Socket Options | socketOptions |
10 seconds Connection-Timeout, no keep-alive, no TCP noDelay |
Since: 4.3 Options to configure low-level socket options for the connections kept to Redis servers. |
SSL Options | sslOptions |
(none), use JDK defaults |
Since: 4.3 Configure SSL options regarding SSL providers (JDK/OpenSSL) and key store/trust store. |
Timeout Options | timeoutOptions |
Do not timeout commands. |
Since: 5.1 Options to configure command timeouts applied to timeout commands
after dispatching these (active connections, queued while disconnected,
batch buffer). By default, the synchronous API times out commands using
Publish Reactive Signals on Scheduler | publishOnScheduler |
Use I/O thread. |
Since: 5.1.4 Use a dedicated |
Cluster-specific options¶
ClusterClientOptions extend the regular ClientOptions by some cluster specifics.
ClusterClientOptions are immutable. Connections inherit the current options at the moment the connection is created. Changes to options will not affect existing connections.
ClusterTopologyRefreshOptions topologyRefreshOptions = ClusterTopologyRefreshOptions.builder()
.enablePeriodicRefresh(refreshPeriod(10, TimeUnit.MINUTES))
Name | Method | Default |
Periodic cluster topology refresh | enablePeriodicRefresh |
false |
Since: 3.1, 4.0 Enables or disables periodic cluster topology refresh. The refresh is
handled in the background. Partitions, the view on the Redis cluster
topology, are valid for a whole The refresh job is regularly executed, the period between the runs
can be set with |
Cluster topology refresh period | refreshPeriod |
Since: 3.1, 4.0 Set the period between the refresh job runs. The effective interval cannot be changed once the refresh job is active. Changes to the value will be ignored. |
Adaptive cluster topology refresh | enableAdaptiveRefreshTrigger |
(none) |
Since: 4.2 Enables selectively adaptive topology refresh triggers. Adaptive refresh triggers initiate topology view updates based on events happened during Redis Cluster operations. Adaptive triggers lead to an immediate topology refresh. These refreshes are rate-limited using a timeout since events can happen on a large scale. Adaptive refresh triggers are disabled by default. Following triggers can be enabled:
Adaptive refresh triggers timeout | adaptiveRefreshTriggersTimeout |
Since: 4.2 Set the timeout between the adaptive refresh job runs. Multiple triggers within the timeout will be ignored, only the first enabled trigger leads to a topology refresh. The effective period cannot be changed once the refresh job is active. Changes to the value will be ignored. |
Reconnect attempts (Adaptive topology refresh trigger) | refreshTriggersReconnectAttempts |
5 |
Since: 4.2 Set the threshold for the |
Dynamic topology refresh sources | dynamicRefreshSources |
true |
Since: 4.2 Discover cluster nodes from the topology and use only the discovered
nodes as the source for the cluster topology. Using dynamic refresh will
query all discovered nodes for the cluster topology details. If set to
Note that enabling dynamic topology refresh sources uses node
addresses reported by Redis |
Close stale connections | closeStaleConnections |
true |
Since: 3.3, 4.1 Stale connections are existing connections to nodes which are no
longer part of the Redis Cluster. If this flag is set to
Limitation of cluster redirects | maxRedirects |
5 |
Since: 3.1, 4.0 When the assignment of a slot-hash is moved in a Redis Cluster and a
client requests a key that is located on the moved slot-hash, the
Cluster node responds with a |
Filter nodes from Topology | nodeFilter |
no filter |
Since: 6.1.6 When providing a |
Validate cluster node membership | validateClusterNodeMembership |
true |
Since: 3.3, 4.0 Validate the cluster node membership before allowing connections to
that node. The current implementation performs redirects using
There are some scenarios, where the strict validation is an obstruction:
Connecting to non-cluster members to reconfigure those while using the RedisClusterClient connection. |
Request queue size and cluster¶
Clustered operations use multiple connections. The resulting
overall-queue limit is
requestQueueSize * ((number of cluster nodes * 2) + 1)
SSL Connections¶
Lettuce supports SSL connections since version 3.1 on Redis Standalone connections and since version 4.2 on Redis Cluster. Redis supports SSL since version 6.0.
First, you need to enable SSL on your Redis server.
Next step is connecting lettuce over SSL to Redis.
RedisURI redisUri = RedisURI.Builder.redis("localhost")
RedisClient client = RedisClient.create(redisUri);
RedisURI redisUri = RedisURI.create("rediss://authentication@localhost/2");
RedisClient client = RedisClient.create(redisUri);
RedisURI redisUri = RedisURI.Builder.redis("localhost")
RedisClusterClient client = RedisClusterClient.create(redisUri);
Lettuce supports SSL only on Redis Standalone and Redis Cluster connections and since 5.2, also for Master resolution using Redis Sentinel or Redis Master/Replicas.
Connection Procedure and Reconnect¶
When connecting using SSL, Lettuce performs an SSL handshake before you
can use the connection. Plain text connections do not perform a
handshake. Errors during the handshake throw
Reconnection behavior is also different to plain text connections. If an SSL handshake fails on reconnect (because of peer/certification verification or peer does not talk SSL) reconnection will be disabled for the connection. You will also find an error log entry within your logs.
Certificate Chains/Root Certificate/Self-Signed Certificates¶
Lettuce uses Java defaults for the trust store that is usually cacerts
in your jre/lib/security
directory and comes with customizable SSL
options via ClientOptions. If you need to add you
own root certificate, so you can configure SslOptions
, import it
either to cacerts
or you provide an own trust store and set the
necessary system properties:
SslOptions sslOptions = SslOptions.builder()
.truststore(new File("yourtruststore.jks"), "changeit")
ClientOptions clientOptions = ClientOptions.builder().sslOptions(sslOptions).build();
System.setProperty("", "yourtruststore.jks");
System.setProperty("", "changeit");
Host/Peer Verification¶
By default, Lettuce verifies the certificate against the validity and the common name (Name validation not supported on Java 1.6, only available on Java 1.7 and higher) of the Redis host you are connecting to. This behavior can be turned off:
RedisURI redisUri = RedisURI.Builder.redis(host(), sslPort())
If you need to issue a StartTLS before you can use SSL, set the
property of RedisURI
to true
. StartTLS is disabled by
RedisURI redisUri = RedisURI.Builder.redis(host(), sslPort())
Native Transports¶
Netty provides three platform-specific JNI transports:
epoll on Linux
io_uring on Linux (Incubator)
kqueue on macOS/BSD
Lettuce defaults to native transports if the appropriate library is available within its runtime. Using a native transport adds features specific to a particular platform, generate less garbage and generally improve performance when compared to the NIO based transport. Native transports are required to connect to Redis via Unix Domain Sockets and are suitable for TCP connections as well.
Native transports are available with:
- Linux epoll x86_64 systems with a minimum netty version of
, requiringnetty-transport-native-epoll
, classifierlinux-x86_64
- Linux io_uring x86_64 systems with a minimum netty version of
, requiringnetty-incubator-transport-native-io_uring
, classifierlinux-x86_64
. Note that this transport is still experimental.
- macOS kqueue x86_64 systems with a minimum netty version of
, requiringnetty-transport-native-kqueue
, classifierosx-x86_64
You can disable native transport use through system properties. Set
, io.lettuce.core.iouring
to false
(default is true
, if unset).
Native transport support does not work with the shaded version of Lettuce because of two reasons:
are not packaged into the shaded jar. So adding the jar to the classpath will resolve in different netty base classes (such
) -
Support for using epoll/kqueue with shaded netty requires netty 4.1 and all parts of netty to be shaded.
The limitations regarding shaded JAR files are applicable only to Lettuce versions prior to 5.0.1. Since version 5.0.1, Lettuce no longer releases shaded JAR files, and these limitations are no longer relevant for newer versions.
See also Netty documentation on native transports.
Unix Domain Sockets¶
Lettuce supports since version 3.2 Unix Domain Sockets for local Redis connections.
RedisURI redisUri = RedisURI.Builder
RedisClient client = RedisClient.create(redisUri);
RedisURI redisUri = RedisURI.create("redis-socket:///tmp/redis");
RedisClient client = RedisClient.create(redisUri);
Unix Domain Sockets are inter-process communication channels on POSIX compliant systems. They allow exchanging data between processes on the same host operating system. When using Redis, which is usually a network service, Unix Domain Sockets are usable only if connecting locally to a single instance. Redis Sentinel and Redis Cluster, maintain tables of remote or local nodes and act therefore as a registry. Unix Domain Sockets are not beneficial with Redis Sentinel and Redis Cluster.
Using RedisClusterClient
with Unix Domain Sockets would connect to the
local node using a socket and open TCP connections to all the other
hosts. A good example is connecting locally to a standalone or a single
cluster node to gain performance.
See Native Transports for more details and limitations.
Streaming API¶
Redis can contain a huge set of data. Collections can burst your memory,
when the amount of data is too massive for your heap. Lettuce can return
your collection data either as List/Set/Map or can push the data on
s are similar to callback methods. Every method, which
can return bulk data (except transactions/multi and some config methods)
specifies beside a regular method with a collection return class also
method which accepts a StreamingChannel
. Lettuce interacts with a
as the data arrives so data can be processed while
the command is running and is not yet completed.
There are 4 StreamingChannels accepting different data types:
The result of the steaming methods is the count of keys/values/key-value
pairs as long
Don’t issue blocking calls (includes synchronous API calls to Lettuce)
from inside of callbacks such as the streaming API as this would block
the EventLoop. If you need to fetch data from Redis from inside a
callback, please use the asynchronous API or use
the reactive API directly.
Long count = redis.hgetall(new KeyValueStreamingChannel<String, String>()
public void onKeyValue(String key, String value)
}, key);
Streaming happens real-time to the redis responses. The method call (future) completes after the last call to the StreamingChannel.
redis.lpush("key", "one")
redis.lpush("key", "two")
redis.lpush("key", "three")
Long count = redis.lrange(new ValueStreamingChannel<String, String>()
public void onValue(String value)
System.out.println("Value: " + value);
}, "key", 0, -1);
System.out.println("Count: " + count);
will produce the following output:
Value: one
Value: two
Value: three
Count: 3
Before 3.4/4.1¶
lettuce can notify its users of certain events:
Exceptions in the connection handler pipeline
You can subscribe to these events using RedisClient#addListener()
unsubscribe with RedisClient.removeListener()
. Both methods accept a
receives as connection the async
implementation of the connection. This means if you use a sync way (e.
g. RedisConnection
) you will receive the RedisAsyncConnectionImpl
RedisClient client = new RedisClient(host, port);
client.addListener(new RedisConnectionStateListener()
public void onRedisConnected(RedisChannelHandler<?, ?> connection)
public void onRedisDisconnected(RedisChannelHandler<?, ?> connection)
public void onRedisExceptionCaught(RedisChannelHandler<?, ?> connection, Throwable cause)
Since 3.4/4.1¶
The client produces events during its operation and uses an event bus
for the transport. The EventBus
can be configured and obtained from
the client resources and is used for
client- and custom events.
Following events are sent by the client:
Connection events
Metrics events
Cluster topology events
Subscribing to events¶
The simple-most approach to subscribing to the client events is obtaining the event bus from the client’s client resources.
RedisClient client = RedisClient.create()
EventBus eventBus = client.getresources().eventBus();
eventBus.get().subscribe(e -> System.out.println(event));
Calls to the subscribe()
method will return a Subscription
. If you
plan to unsubscribe from the event stream, you can do so by calling the
method. The event bus utilizes
RxJava and the {reactive-api} to transport events
from the publisher to its subscribers.
A thread of the computation thread pool (can be configured using client resources) transports the events.
Connection events¶
When working with events, multiple events occur. These can be used to monitor connections or react to these. Connection events transport the local and the remote connection points. The regular order of connection events is:
Connected: The transport-layer connection is established (TCP or Unix Domain Socket connection established). Event type:
Connection activated: The logical connection is activated and can be used to dispatch Redis commands (SSL handshake complete, PING before activating response received). Event type:
Disconnected: The transport-layer connection is closed/reset. That event occurs on regular connection shutdowns and connection interruptions (outage). Event type:
Connection deactivated: The logical connection is deactivated. The internal processing state is reset and the
flag is set tofalse
That event occurs on regular connection shutdowns and connection interruptions (outage). Event type:ConnectionDeactivatedEvent
Since 5.3: Reconnect failed: A reconnect attempt failed. Contains the reconnect failure and the retry counter. Event type:
Metrics events¶
Client command metrics is published using the event bus. The current event carries command latency metrics. Latency metrics is segregated by connection or server and command which means you can get detailed statistics on every command. Connection distinction allows seeing how particular connections perform. Server distinction how particular servers perform. You can configure metrics collection using client resources.
In detail, two command latencies are recorded:
RTT from dispatching the command until the first command response is processed (first response)
RTT from dispatching the command until the full command response is processed and at the moment the command is completed (completion)
The latency metrics provide following statistics:
Number of commands
min latency
max latency
latency percentiles
First Response Latency
The first response latency measuring begins at the moment the command sending begins (command flush on the netty event loop). That is not the time at when at which the command was issued from the client API. The latency time recording ends at the moment the client receives the first command bytes and starts to process the command response. Both conditions must be met to end the latency recording. The client could be busy with processing the previous command while the first bytes are already available to read. That scenario would be a good time to file an issue for improving the client performance. The first response latency value is good to determine the lag/network performance and can give a hint on the client and server performance.
Completion Latency
The completion latency begins at the same time as the first response
latency but lasts until the time where the client is just about to call
the complete()
method to signal command completion. That means all
command response bytes arrived and were decoded/processed, and the
response data structures are ready for consumption for the user of the
client. On completion callback duration (such as async or observable
callbacks) are not part of the completion latency.
Cluster events¶
When using Redis Cluster, you might want to know when the cluster
topology changes. As soon as the cluster client discovers the cluster
topology change, a ClusterTopologyChangedEvent
event is published to
the event bus. The time at which the event is published is not
necessarily the time the topology change occurred. That is because the
client polls the topology from the cluster.
The cluster topology changed event carries the topology view before and after the change.
Make sure, you enabled cluster topology refresh in the Client options.
Java Flight Recorder Events (since 6.1)¶
Lettuce emits Connection and Cluster events as Java Flight Recorder
events. EventBus
emits all events to EventRecorder
and the actual
event bus.
verifies whether your runtime provides the required JFR
classes (available as of JDK 8 update 262 or later) and if so, then it
creates Flight Recorder variants of the event and commits these to JFR.
The following events are supported out of the box:
Redis Connection Events
Connection Attempt
Connect, Disconnect, Connection Activated, Connection Deactivated
Reconnect Attempt and Reconnect Failed
Redis Cluster Events
Topology Refresh initiated
Topology Changed
ASK and MOVED redirects
Redis Master/Replica Events
Sentinel Topology Refresh initiated
Master/Replica Topology Changed
Events come with a rich set of event attributes such as channelId, epId (endpoint Id), Redis URI and many more.
You can record data by starting your application with:
You can disable JFR events use through system properties. Set
to false
The following section explains Lettuces metrics and tracing capabilities.
Command latency metrics give insight into command execution and latencies. Metrics are collected for every completed command. Lettuce has two mechanisms to collect latency metrics:
Built-in (since version 3.4 using HdrHistogram and LatencyUtils. Enabled by default if both libraries are available on the classpath.)
Micrometer (since version 6.1)
Built-in latency tracking¶
Each command is tracked with:
Execution count
Latency to first response (min, max, percentiles)
Latency to complete (min, max, percentiles)
Command latencies are tracked on remote endpoint (distinction by host
and port or socket path) and command type level (GET
, …). It is
possible to track command latencies on a per-connection level (see
Command latencies are transported using Events on the EventBus
. The
can be obtained from the client
resources of the client instance. Please
keep in mind that the EventBus
is used for various event types. Filter
on the event type if you’re interested only in particular event types.
RedisClient client = RedisClient.create();
EventBus eventBus = client.getResources().eventBus();
Subscription subscription = eventBus.get()
.filter(redisEvent -> redisEvent instanceof CommandLatencyEvent)
.subscribe(e -> System.out.println(e.getLatencies()));
The EventBus
uses Reactor Processors to publish events. This example
prints the received latencies to stdout
. The interval and the
collection of command latency metrics can be configured in the
Lettuce requires the LatencyUtils dependency (at least 2.0) to provide latency metrics. Make sure to include that dependency on your classpath. Otherwise, you won’t be able using latency metrics.
If using Maven, add the following dependency to your pom.xml:
Disabling command latency metrics¶
To disable metrics collection, use own ClientResources
with a disabled
ClientResources res = DefaultClientResources
.commandLatencyCollectorOptions( DefaultCommandLatencyCollectorOptions.disabled())
RedisClient client = RedisClient.create(res);
CommandLatencyCollector Options¶
The following settings are available to configure from
Name | Method | Default |
Disable metrics tracking | disable |
false |
Disables tracking of command latency metrics. | ||
Latency time unit | targetUnit |
The target unit for command latency values. All values in the CommandLatencyEvent and a CommandMetrics instance are long values scaled to the targetUnit . |
Latency percentiles | targetPercentiles |
50.0, 90 .0, 95.0, 99.0, 99.9 |
A double -array of percentiles for latency metrics. The CommandMetrics contains a map that holds the percentile value and the latency value according to the percentile. Note that percentiles here must be specified in the range between 0 and 100. |
Reset latencies after publish | resetLatenciesAfterEvent |
true |
Allows controlling whether the latency metrics are reset to zero one they were published. Setting resetLatenciesAfterEvent allows accumulating metrics over a long period for long-term analytics. |
Local socket distinction | localDistinction |
false |
Enables per connection metrics tracking instead of per host/port. If true , multiple connections to the same host/connection point will be recorded separately which allows to inspection of every connection individually. If false , multiple connections to the same host/connection point will be recorded together. This allows a consolidated view on one particular service. |
EventPublisher Options¶
The following settings are available to configure from
Name | Method | Default |
Disable event publisher | disable |
false |
Disables event publishing. | ||
Event publishing time unit | eventEmitIntervalUnit |
The TimeUnit for the event publishing interval. |
Event publishing interval | eventEmitInterval |
10 |
The interval for the event publishing. |
Commands are tracked by using two Micrometer Timer
and lettuce.command.completion
. The
following tags are attached to each timer:
: Name of the command (GET
, …) -
: Local socket (localhost/
when local distinction is disabled, which is the default behavior) -
: Remote socket (localhost/
Command latencies are reported using the provided MeterRegistry
MeterRegistry meterRegistry = …;
MicrometerOptions options = MicrometerOptions.create();
ClientResources resources = ClientResources.builder().commandLatencyRecorder(new MicrometerCommandLatencyRecorder(meterRegistry, options)).build();
RedisClient client = RedisClient.create(resources);
Lettuce requires Micrometer (micrometer-core
) to integrate with
If using Maven, add the following dependency to your pom.xml:
<version>${micrometer.version}</version> <!-- e.g. micrometer.version==1.6.0 -->
Micrometer Options¶
The following settings are available to configure from
Name | Method | Default |
Disable metrics tracking | disable |
false |
Disables tracking of command latency metrics. | ||
Histogram | histogram |
false |
Enable histogram buckets used to generate aggregable percentile approximations in monitoring systems that have query facilities to do so. | ||
Local socket distinction | localDistinction |
false |
Enables per connection metrics tracking instead of per host/port. If true , multiple connections to the same host/connection point will be recorded separately which allows inspection of every connection individually. If false , multiple connections to the same host/connection point will be recorded together. This allows a consolidated view on one particular service. |
Maximum Latency | maxLatency |
5 Minutes |
Sets the maximum value that this timer is expected to observe. Applies only if Histogram publishing is enabled. | ||
Minimum Latency | minLatency |
1ms |
Sets the minimum value that this timer is expected to observe. Applies only if Histogram publishing is enabled. | ||
Additional Tags | tags |
Tags.empty() |
Extra tags to add to the generated metrics. | ||
Latency percentiles | targetPercentiles |
0.5, 0.9, 0.95, 0.99, 0.999 (corresp onding with 50.0, 90. 0, 95.0, 99.0, 99.9) |
A double -array of percentiles for latency metrics. Values must be supplied in the range of 0.0 (0th percentile) up to 1.0 (100th percentile). The CommandMetrics contains a map that holds the percentile value and the latency value according to the percentile. This applies only if Histogram publishing is enabled. |
Tracing gives insights about individual Redis commands sent to Redis to trace their frequency, duration and to trace of which commands a particular activity consists. Lettuce provides a tracing SPI to avoid mandatory tracing library dependencies. Lettuce ships integrations with Micrometer Tracing and Brave which can be configured through client resources.
Micrometer Tracing¶
With Micrometer tracing enabled, Lettuce creates an observation for each
Redis command resulting in spans per Command and corresponding Meters if
configured in Micrometer’s ObservationContext
Lettuce requires the Micrometer Tracing dependency to provide Tracing functionality. Make sure to include that dependency on your classpath.
If using Maven, add the following dependency to your pom.xml:
The following example shows how to configure tracing through
ObservationRegistry observationRegistry = …;
MicrometerTracing tracing = new MicrometerTracing(observationRegistry, "Redis");
ClientResources resources = ClientResources.builder().tracing(tracing).build();
With Brave tracing enabled, Lettuce creates a span for each Redis command. The following options can be configured:
(defaults toredis
). -
customizer. This option can be used together with a customSocketAddressResolver
to attach custom endpoint details. -
customizer. Allows for customization of spans based on the actual RedisCommand
object. -
Inclusion/Exclusion of all command arguments in a span. By default, all arguments are included.
Lettuce requires the Brave dependency (at least 5.1) to provide Tracing functionality. Make sure to include that dependency on your classpath.
If using Maven, add the following dependency to your pom.xml:
The following example shows how to configure tracing through
brave.Tracing clientTracing = …;
BraveTracing tracing = BraveTracing.builder().tracing(clientTracing)
.spanCustomizer((command, span) -> span.tag("cmd", command.getType().name()))
ClientResources resources = ClientResources.builder().tracing(tracing).build();
Lettuce ships with a Tracing SPI in io.lettuce.core.tracing
allows custom tracer implementations.
Pipelining and command flushing¶
Redis is a TCP server using the client-server model and what is called a Request/Response protocol. This means that usually a request is accomplished with the following steps:
The client sends a query to the server and reads from the socket, usually in a blocking way, for the server response.
The server processes the command and sends the response back to the client.
A request/response server can be implemented so that it is able to process new requests even if the client did not already read the old responses. This way it is possible to send multiple commands to the server without waiting for the replies at all, and finally read the replies in a single step.
Using the synchronous API, in general, the program flow is blocked until the response is accomplished. The underlying connection is busy with sending the request and receiving its response. Blocking, in this case, applies only from a current Thread perspective, not from a global perspective.
To understand why using a synchronous API does not block on a global level we need to understand what this means. Lettuce is a non-blocking and asynchronous client. It provides a synchronous API to achieve a blocking behavior on a per-Thread basis to create await (synchronize) a command response. Blocking does not affect other Threads per se. Lettuce is designed to operate in a pipelining way. Multiple threads can share one connection. While one Thread may process one command, the other Thread can send a new command. As soon as the first request returns, the first Thread’s program flow continues, while the second request is processed by Redis and comes back at a certain point in time.
Lettuce is built on top of netty decouple reading from writing and to provide thread-safe connections. The result is, that reading and writing can be handled by different threads and commands are written and read independent of each other but in sequence. You can find more details about message ordering to learn about command ordering rules in single- and multi-threaded arrangements. The transport and command execution layer does not block the processing until a command is written, processed and while its response is read. Lettuce sends commands at the moment they are invoked.
A good example is the async API. Every
invocation on the async API returns a
(response handle) after the command is written to the netty
pipeline. A write to the pipeline does not mean, the command is written
to the underlying transport. Multiple commands can be written without
awaiting the response. Invocations to the API (sync, async and starting
with 4.0
also reactive API) can be performed by multiple threads.
Sharing a connection between threads is possible but keep in mind:
The longer commands need for processing, the longer other invoker wait for their results
You should not use transactional commands (MULTI
) on shared
connection. If you use Redis-blocking commands (e. g. BLPOP
) all
invocations of the shared connection will be blocked until the blocking
command returns which impacts the performance of other threads. Blocking
commands can be a reason to use multiple connections.
Command flushing¶
Command flushing is an advanced topic and in most cases (i.e. unless your use-case is a single-threaded mass import application) you won’t need it as Lettuce uses pipelining by default.
The normal operation mode of Lettuce is to flush every command which
means, that every command is written to the transport after it was
issued. Any regular user desires this behavior. You can control command
flushing since Version 3.3
Why would you want to do this? A flush is an expensive system call and impacts performance. Batching, disabling auto-flushing, can be used under certain conditions and is recommended if:
You perform multiple calls to Redis and you’re not depending immediately on the result of the call
You’re bulk-importing
Controlling the flush behavior is only available on the async API. The sync API emulates blocking calls, and as soon as you invoke a command, you can no longer interact with the connection until the blocking call ends.
The AutoFlushCommands
state is set per connection and, therefore
visible to all threads using a shared connection. If you want to omit
this effect, use dedicated connections. The AutoFlushCommands
cannot be set on pooled connections by the Lettuce connection pooling.
Do not use setAutoFlushCommands(…)
when sharing a connection across
threads, at least not without proper synchronization. According to the
many questions and (invalid) bug reports using
in a multi-threaded scenario causes a lot of
complexity overhead and is very likely to cause issues on your side.
can only be reliably used on single-threaded
connection usage in scenarios like bulk-loading.
StatefulRedisConnection<String, String> connection = client.connect();
RedisAsyncCommands<String, String> commands = connection.async();
// disable auto-flushing
// perform a series of independent calls
List<RedisFuture<?>> futures = Lists.newArrayList();
for (int i = 0; i < iterations; i++) {
futures.add(commands.set("key-" + i, "value-" + i));
futures.add(commands.expire("key-" + i, 3600));
// write all commands to the transport layer
// synchronization example: Wait until all futures complete
boolean result = LettuceFutures.awaitAll(5, TimeUnit.SECONDS,
futures.toArray(new RedisFuture[futures.size()]));
// later
Performance impact¶
Commands invoked in the default flush-after-write mode perform in an order of about 100Kops/sec (async/multithreaded execution). Grouping multiple commands in a batch (size depends on your environment, but batches between 50 and 1000 work nice during performance tests) can increase the throughput up to a factor of 5x.
Pipelining within the Redis docs:
Connection Pooling¶
Lettuce connections are designed to be thread-safe so one connection can be shared amongst multiple threads and Lettuce connections auto-reconnection by default. While connection pooling is not necessary in most cases it can be helpful in certain use cases. Lettuce provides generic connection pooling support.
Is connection pooling necessary?¶
Lettuce is thread-safe by design which is sufficient for most cases. All Redis user operations are executed single-threaded. Using multiple connections does not impact the performance of an application in a positive way. The use of blocking operations usually goes hand in hand with worker threads that get their dedicated connection. The use of Redis Transactions is the typical use case for dynamic connection pooling as the number of threads requiring a dedicated connection tends to be dynamic. That said, the requirement for dynamic connection pooling is limited. Connection pooling always comes with a cost of complexity and maintenance.
Execution Models¶
Lettuce supports two execution models for pooling:
Synchronous/Blocking via Apache Commons Pool 2
Asynchronous/Non-Blocking via a Lettuce-specific pool implementation (since version 5.1)
Synchronous Connection Pooling¶
Using imperative programming models, synchronous connection pooling is the right choice as it carries out all operations on the thread that is used to execute the code.
Lettuce requires Apache’s common-pool2 dependency (at least 2.2) to provide connection pooling. Make sure to include that dependency on your classpath. Otherwise, you won’t be able using connection pooling.
If using Maven, add the following dependency to your pom.xml
Connection pool support¶
Lettuce provides generic connection pool support. It requires a
connection Supplier
that is used to create connections of any
supported type (Redis Standalone, Pub/Sub, Sentinel, Master/Replica,
Redis Cluster). ConnectionPoolSupport
will create a
or SoftReferenceObjectPool
, depending on your
needs. The pool can allocate either wrapped or direct connections.
Wrapped instances will return the connection back to the pool when called
. -
Regular connections need to be returned to the pool with
Basic usage
RedisClient client = RedisClient.create(RedisURI.create(host, port));
GenericObjectPool<StatefulRedisConnection<String, String>> pool = ConnectionPoolSupport
.createGenericObjectPool(() -> client.connect(), new GenericObjectPoolConfig());
// executing work
try (StatefulRedisConnection<String, String> connection = pool.borrowObject()) {
RedisCommands<String, String> commands = connection.sync();
commands.set("key", "value");
commands.set("key2", "value2");
// terminating
Cluster usage
RedisClusterClient clusterClient = RedisClusterClient.create(RedisURI.create(host, port));
GenericObjectPool<StatefulRedisClusterConnection<String, String>> pool = ConnectionPoolSupport
.createGenericObjectPool(() -> clusterClient.connect(), new GenericObjectPoolConfig());
// execute work
try (StatefulRedisClusterConnection<String, String> connection = pool.borrowObject()) {
connection.sync().set("key", "value");
connection.sync().blpop(10, "list");
// terminating
Asynchronous Connection Pooling¶
Asynchronous/non-blocking programming models require a non-blocking API to obtain Redis connections. A blocking connection pool can easily lead to a state that blocks the event loop and prevents your application from progress in processing.
Lettuce comes with an asynchronous, non-blocking pool implementation to be used with Lettuces asynchronous connection methods. It does not require additional dependencies.
Asynchronous Connection pool support¶
Lettuce provides asynchronous connection pool support. It requires a
connection Supplier
that is used to asynchronously connect to any
supported type (Redis Standalone, Pub/Sub, Sentinel, Master/Replica,
Redis Cluster). AsyncConnectionPoolSupport
will create a
. The pool can allocate either wrapped or direct
Wrapped instances will return the connection back to the pool when called
. -
Regular connections need to be returned to the pool with
Basic usage
RedisClient client = RedisClient.create();
CompletionStage<AsyncPool<StatefulRedisConnection<String, String>>> poolFuture = AsyncConnectionPoolSupport.createBoundedObjectPoolAsync(
() -> client.connectAsync(StringCodec.UTF8, RedisURI.create(host, port)), BoundedPoolConfig.create());
// await poolFuture initialization to avoid NoSuchElementException: Pool exhausted when starting your application
// execute work
CompletableFuture<TransactionResult> transactionResult = pool.acquire().thenCompose(connection -> {
RedisAsyncCommands<String, String> async = connection.async();
async.set("key", "value");
async.set("key2", "value2");
return async.exec().whenComplete((s, throwable) -> pool.release(connection));
// terminating
// after pool completion
Cluster usage
RedisClusterClient clusterClient = RedisClusterClient.create(RedisURI.create(host, port));
CompletionStage<AsyncPool<StatefulRedisClusterConnection<String, String>>> poolFuture = AsyncConnectionPoolSupport.createBoundedObjectPoolAsync(
() -> clusterClient.connectAsync(StringCodec.UTF8), BoundedPoolConfig.create());
// execute work
CompletableFuture<String> setResult = pool.acquire().thenCompose(connection -> {
RedisAdvancedClusterAsyncCommands<String, String> async = connection.async();
async.set("key", "value");
return async.set("key2", "value2").whenComplete((s, throwable) -> pool.release(connection));
// terminating
// after pool completion
Custom commands¶
Lettuce covers nearly all Redis commands. Redis development is an
ongoing process and the Redis Module system is intended to introduce new
commands which are not part of the Redis Core. This requirement
introduces the need to invoke custom commands or use custom outputs.
Custom commands can be dispatched on the one hand using Lua and the
command, on the other side Lettuce 4.x allows you to trigger
own commands. That API is used by Lettuce itself to dispatch commands
and requires some knowledge of how commands are constructed and
dispatched within Lettuce.
Lettuce provides two levels of command dispatching:
Using the synchronous, asynchronous or reactive API wrappers which invoke commands according to their nature
Using the bare connection to influence the command nature and synchronization (advanced)
Example using dispatch()
on the synchronous API
RedisCodec<String, String> codec = StringCodec.UTF8;
RedisCommands<String, String> commands = ...
String response = redis.dispatch(CommandType.SET, new StatusOutput<>(codec),
new CommandArgs<>(codec)
Example using dispatch()
on the asynchronous API
RedisCodec<String, String> codec = StringCodec.UTF8;
RedisAsyncCommands<String, String> commands = ...
RedisFuture<String> response = redis.dispatch(CommandType.SET, new StatusOutput<>(codec),
new CommandArgs<>(codec)
Example using dispatch()
on the reactive API
RedisCodec<String, String> codec = StringCodec.UTF8;
RedisReactiveCommands<String, String> commands = ...
Observable<String> response = redis.dispatch(CommandType.SET, new StatusOutput<>(codec),
new CommandArgs<>(codec)
Example using a RedisFuture
command wrapper
StatefulRedisConnection<String, String> connection = redis.getStatefulConnection();
RedisCommand<String, String, String> command = new Command<>(CommandType.PING,
new StatusOutput<>(StringCodec.UTF8));
AsyncCommand<String, String, String> async = new AsyncCommand<>(command);
// async instanceof CompletableFuture == true
Mechanics of Lettuce commands¶
Lettuce uses the command pattern to implement to execute commands. Every
time a command is invoked, Lettuce creates a command object (Command
or types implementing RedisCommand
). Commands can carry arguments
) and an output (subclasses of CommandOutput
). Both are
optional. The two mandatory properties are the command type (see
or a type implementing ProtocolKeyword
) and a
. If you dispatch commands by yourself, do not reuse command
instances to dispatch commands more than once. Commands that were
executed once have the completed flag set and cannot be reused.
is a container for command arguments that follow the
command keyword (CommandType
command do not
require commands whereas the GET
or SET
commands require arguments
in the form of keys and values.
RedisCommand<String, String, String> command = new Command<>(CommandType.PING,
new StatusOutput<>(StringCodec.UTF8));
StringCodec codec = StringCodec.UTF8;
RedisCommand<String, String, String> command = new Command<>(CommandType.SET,
new StatusOutput<>(codec), new CommandArgs<>(codec)
allow to add one or more:
key and arrays of keys
value and arrays of values
(the Redis integer),double
byte array
and genericProtocolKeyword
The sequence of args and keywords is not validated by Lettuce beyond the supported data types, meaning Redis will report errors if the command syntax is not correct.
Commands producing an output are required to consume the output. Lettuce
supports type-safe conversion of the response into the appropriate
result types. The output handlers derive from the CommandOutput
class. Lettuce provides a wide range of output types (see the
package for details). Command outputs are
mostly used to return the result as the whole object. The response is
available as soon as the whole command output is processed. There are
cases, where you might want to stream the response instead of allocating
a significant amount of memory and return the whole response as one.
These types are called streaming outputs. Following implementations ship
with Lettuce:
Those outputs take a streaming channel (see ValueStreamingChannel
) and
invoke the callback method (e.g. onValue(V value)
) for every data
Implementing an own output is, in general, a good idea when you want to
support a different data type, or you want to work with different types
than the basic collection, map, String, and primitive types. You might
get an impression of the custom types idea by taking a look on
, which takes a bunch of strings and nested lists
to construct a list of GeoWithin
Please note that using an output that does not fit the command output
can jam the response processing and lead to not usable connections. Use
either ArrayOutput
or NestedMultiOutput
when in doubt, so you
receive a list of objects (nested lists).
Output for the PING
Command<String, String, String> command = new Command<>(CommandType.PING,
new StatusOutput<>(StringCodec.UTF8));
Output for the HGETALL
StringCodec codec = StringCodec.UTF8;
Command<String, String, Map<String, String>> command = new Command<>(CommandType.HGETALL,
new MapOutput<>(codec),
new CommandArgs<>(codec).addKey(key));
Output for the HKEYS
StringCodec codec = StringCodec.UTF8;
Command<String, String, List<String>> command = new Command<>(CommandType.HKEYS,
new KeyListOutput<>(codec),
new CommandArgs<>(codec).addKey(key));
Synchronous, asynchronous and reactive¶
Great, that you made it up to here. You might want to know now, how to
synchronize the command completion, work with Future
s or how about the
reactive API. The simple way is using the dispatch(…)
method of the
according wrapper. If this is not sufficient, then continue on reading.
The dispatch()
method on a stateful Redis connection is not
opinionated at all how you are using Lettuce, whether it is synchronous
or reactive. The only thing this method does is dispatching the command.
The response handler handles decoding the command and completing the
command once it’s done. The asynchronous command processing is the only
operating mode of Lettuce.
The RedisCommand
interface provides methods to complete()
and completeExceptionally()
the command. The complete()
methods are called by the response handler as soon as the command is
completed. Redis commands can be wrapped and augmented by that way.
Wrapping is used when using transactions (MULTI
) or Redis Cluster.
You are free to implement your command type or use one of the provided commands:
Command (default implementation)
AsyncCommand (the
wrapper forRedisCommand
) -
CommandWrapper (generic wrapper)
TransactionalCommand (wraps
s whenMULTI
is active)
Fire & Forget¶
Fire&Forget is the simple-most way to dispatch commands. You just trigger it and then you do not care what happens, whether the command completes or not, and you don’t have access to the command output:
StatefulRedisConnection<String, String> connection = redis.getStatefulConnection();
connection.dispatch(CommandType.PING, VoidOutput.create());
swallows also Redis error responses. If you want
to just avoid response decoding, create a VoidCodec
instance using
its constructor to retain error response decoding.
The asynchronous API works in general with the AsyncCommand
that extends CompleteableFuture
. AsyncCommand
can be synchronized by
or get()
which corresponds with the asynchronous pull style.
By using the methods from the CompletionStage
interface (such as
or thenAccept()
) the response handler will trigger the
functions ("listeners") on command completion. Lear more about
asynchronous usage in the Asynchronous API topic.
StatefulRedisConnection<String, String> connection = redis.getStatefulConnection();
RedisCommand<String, String, String> command = new Command<>(CommandType.PING,
new StatusOutput<>(StringCodec.UTF8));
AsyncCommand<String, String, String> async = new AsyncCommand<>(command);
// async instanceof CompletableFuture == true
The synchronous API of Lettuce uses future synchronization to provide a synchronous view.
Reactive commands are dispatched at the moment of subscription (see
Reactive API for more details on reactive APIs). In the
context of Lettuce this means, you need to start before calling the
method. The reactive API uses internally an
, but that is internal stuff. If you want to dispatch
commands the reactive way, you’ll need to wrap commands (or better:
command supplier to be able to retry commands) with the
. The dispatcher implements the OnSubscribe
API to create an Observable<T>
, handles command dispatching at the
time of subscription and can dissolve collection types to particular
elements. An instance of ReactiveCommandDispatcher
allows creating
multiple Observable
s as long as you use a Supplier<RedisCommand>
Commands that were executed once have the completed flag set and cannot
be reused.
StatefulRedisConnection<String, String> connection = redis.getStatefulConnection();
RedisCommand<String, String, String> command = new Command<>(CommandType.PING,
new StatusOutput<>(StringCodec.UTF8));
ReactiveCommandDispatcher<String, String, String> dispatcher = new ReactiveCommandDispatcher<>(command,
connection, false);
Observable<String> observable = Observable.create(dispatcher);
String result = observable.toBlocking().first();
result == "PONG"
Graal Native Image¶
This section explains how to use Lettuce with Graal Native Image compilation.
Why Create a Native Image?¶
The GraalVM
tool enables ahead-of-time (AOT) compilation of Java applications into
native executables or shared libraries. While traditional Java code is
just-in-time (JIT) compiled at run time, AOT compilation has two main
First, it improves the start-up time since the code is already pre-compiled into efficient machine code.
Second, it reduces the memory footprint of Java applications since it eliminates the need to include infrastructure to load and optimize code at run time.
There are additional advantages such as more predictable performance and less total CPU usage.
Building Native Images¶
Native images assume a closed world principle in which all code needs to be known at the time the native image is built. Graal's SubstrateVM analyzes class files during native image build-time to determine what bytecode needs to be translated into a native image. While this task can be achieved to a good extent by analyzing static bytecode, it’s harder for dynamic parts of the code such as reflection. When using reflective access or Java proxies, the native image build process requires a little bit of help so it can include parts that are required during runtime.
Lettuce ships with configuration files that specifically describe which classes are used by Lettuce during runtime and which Java proxies get created.
Starting as of Lettuce 5.3.2, the following configuration files are available:
Those cover Lettuce operations for RedisClient
Depending on your configuration you might need additional configuration for Netty, HdrHistogram (metrics collection), Reactive Libraries, and dynamic Redis Command interfaces.
HdrHistogram/Command Latency Metrics¶
Lettuce uses HdrHistogram and LatencyUtils to accumulate metrics. You
can use your application without these. If you want to use Command
Latency Metrics, please add the following lines to your own
Dynamic Command Interfaces¶
You can use Dynamic Command Interfaces when compiling your code to a GraalVM Native Image. GraalVM requires two information as Lettuce inspects command interfaces using reflection and it creates a Java proxy:
Add the command interface class name to your
using ideallyallDeclaredMethods:true
. -
Add the command interface class name to your
Reactive Libraries¶
If you decide to use a specific reactive library with dynamic command
interfaces, please add the following lines to your reflect-config.json
file, depending on the presence of Rx Java 1-3:
"name": "rx.Completable"
"name": "io.reactivex.Flowable"
"name": "io.reactivex.rxjava3.core.Flowable"
For now, native images must be compiled with
to ignore missing Method
Handles and annotation synthetization failures.
Netty Config¶
To properly start up the netty stack, the following reflection
configuration is required for netty and the JDK in
"fields":[{"name":"producerLimit","allowUnsafeAccess" : true}]
"fields":[{"name":"consumerIndex","allowUnsafeAccess" : true}]
"fields":[{"name":"producerIndex", "allowUnsafeAccess" : true}]
"fields":[{"name":"consumerIndex", "allowUnsafeAccess" : true}]
"fields":[{"name":"producerIndex", "allowUnsafeAccess" : true}]
"fields":[{"name":"producerLimit","allowUnsafeAccess" : true}]
"fields":[{"name":"address", "allowUnsafeAccess":true}]
"fields":[{"name":"cleaner", "allowUnsafeAccess":true}],
"methods":[{"name":"<init>","parameterTypes":["long","int"] }]
"fields":[{"name":"refCnt", "allowUnsafeAccess":true}]
"allPublicMethods": true,
"allPublicMethods": true,
"allPublicMethods": true,
"allPublicMethods": true,
"name": "",
"allPublicMethods": true,
"name": "",
"allPublicMethods": true,
"name": "",
"allPublicMethods": true,
"name": "$HeadContext",
"allPublicMethods": true,
"name": "$TailContext",
"allPublicMethods": true,
"name": "",
"allPublicMethods": true,
"name": "io.netty.handler.codec.MessageToByteEncoder",
"allPublicMethods": true,
"allPublicMethods": true,
We don’t have found a way yet to invoke default interface methods on
proxies without MethodHandle
. Hence the NodeSelection
, all()
and others on RedisAdvancedClusterCommands
) do not work.
Command execution reliability¶
Lettuce is a thread-safe and scalable Redis client that allows multiple independent connections to Redis.
Lettuce provides two levels of consistency; these are the rules for Redis command sends:
Depending on the chosen consistency level¶
at-most-once execution, i.e. no guaranteed execution
at-least-once execution, i.e. guaranteed execution (with some exceptions)
- command ordering in the order of invocations
What does at-most-once mean?¶
When it comes to describing the semantics of an execution mechanism, there are three basic categories:
at-most-once execution means that for each command handed to the mechanism, that command is execution zero or one time; in more casual terms it means that commands may be lost.
at-least-once execution means that for each command handed to the mechanism potentially multiple attempts are made at execution it, such that at least one succeeds; again, in more casual terms this means that commands may be duplicated but not lost.
exactly-once execution means that for each command handed to the mechanism exactly one execution is made; the command can neither be lost nor duplicated.
The first one is the cheapest - the highest performance, least implementation overhead - because it can be done without tracking whether the command was sent or got lost within the transport mechanism. The second one requires retries to counter transport losses, which means keeping the state at the sending end and having an acknowledgment mechanism at the receiving end. The third is most expensive—and has consequently worst performance—because also to the second it requires a state to be kept at the receiving end to filter out duplicate executions.
Why No Guaranteed Delivery?¶
At the core of the problem lies the question what exactly this guarantee shall mean:
The command is sent out on the network?
The command is received by the other host?
The command is processed by Redis?
The command response is sent by the other host?
The command response is received by the network?
The command response is processed successfully?
Each one of these have different challenges and costs, and it is obvious that there are conditions under which any command sending library would be unable to comply. Think for example about how a network partition would affect point three, or even what it would mean to decide upon the “successfully” part of point six.
The only meaningful way for a client to know whether an interaction was successful is by receiving a business-level acknowledgment command, which is not something Lettuce could make up on its own.
Lettuce allows two levels of consistency; each one has its costs and benefits, and therefore it does not try to lie and emulate a leaky abstraction.
Message Ordering¶
The rule more specifically is that commands sent are not be executed out-of-order.
The following illustrates the guarantee:
sends commandsC1
to Redis -
sends commandsC4
to Redis
This means that:
is executed, it must be executed beforeC2
. -
is executed, it must be executed beforeC3
. -
is executed, it must be executed beforeC5
. -
is executed, it must be executed beforeC6
. -
Redis executes commands from
interleaved with commands fromT2
. -
If there is no guaranteed delivery, any of the commands may be dropped, i.e. not arrive at Redis.
Failures and at-least-once execution¶
Lettuce’s at-least-once execution is scoped to the lifecycle of a logical connection. Redis commands are not persisted to be executed after a JVM or client restart. All Redis command state is held in memory. A retry mechanism re-executes commands that are not successfully completed if a network failure occurs. In more casual terms, when Redis is available again, the retry mechanism fires all queued commands. Commands that are issued as long as the failure persists are buffered.
at-least-once execution ensures a higher consistency level than at-most-once but comes with some caveats:
Commands can be executed more than once
Higher usage of resources since commands are buffered and sent again after reconnect
Exceptions to at-least-once¶
Lettuce does not lose commands while sending them. A command execution can, however, fail for the same reasons as a normal method call can on the JVM:
Also, executions can fail in specific ways:
The command runs into a timeout
The command cannot be encoded
The command cannot be decoded, because:
The output is not compatible with the command output
Exceptions occur while command decoding/processing. This may happen a
results in an error, or a consumer of Pub/Sub events fails while listener notification.
While the first is clearly a matter of configuration, the second deserves some thought: The command execution does not get feedback if there was a timeout. This is in general not distinguishable from a lost message. By using the Sync API, commands that exceeded their timeout are canceled. This behavior cannot be changed. When using the Async API, users can decide, how to proceed with the command, whether the command should be canceled.
Commands which run into Exception
s while encoding or decoding reach a
non-recoverable state. Commands that cannot be encoded are not
executed but get canceled. Commands that cannot be decoded were
already executed; only the result is not available. These errors are
caused mostly due to a wrong implementation. The result of a command,
which cannot be decoded is that the command gets canceled, and the
causing Exception
is available in the result. The command is cleared
from the response queue, and the connection stays usable.
In general, when Errors
occur while operating on a connection, you
should close the connection and use a new one. Connections, that
experienced such severe failures get into an unrecoverable state, and no
further response processing is possible.
Executing commands more than once
In terms of consistency, Redis commands can be grouped into two categories:
Idempotent commands
Non-idempotent commands
Idempotent commands are commands that lead to the same state if they are
executed more than once. Read commands are a good example for
idempotency since they do not change the state of data. Another set of
idempotent commands are commands that write a whole data structure/entry
at once such as SET
. Those commands change
the data to the desired state. Subsequent executions of the same command
leave the data in the same state.
Non-idempotent commands change the state with every execution. This
means, if you execute a command twice, each resulting state is different
in comparison to the previous. Examples for non-idempotent Redis
commands are such as LPUSH
Note: When using master-replica replication, different rules apply to at-least-once consistency. Replication between Redis nodes works asynchronously. A command can be processed successfully from Lettuce’s client perspective, but the result is not necessarily replicated to the replica yet. If a failover occurs at that moment, a replica takes over, and the not yet replicated data is lost. Replication behavior is Redis-specific. Further documentation about failover and consistency from Redis perspective is available within the Redis docs:
Switching between at-least-once and at-most-once operations¶
Lettuce’s consistency levels are bound to retries on reconnects and the connection state. By default, Lettuce operates in the at-least-once mode. Auto-reconnect is enabled and as soon as the connection is re-established, queued commands are re-sent for execution. While a connection failure persists, issued commands are buffered.
To change into at-most-once consistency level, disable auto-reconnect mode. Connections can no longer be reconnected and thus no retries are issued. Unsuccessful commands are canceled. New commands are rejected.
Controlling replay of commands in at-lease-once mode¶
This feature is only available since Lettuce 6.6
One can achieve a more fine-grained control over the commands that are replayed after a reconnection by using the option to specify a filter predicate. This option is part of the ClientOptions configuration. See Client Options for further reference.
Predicate<RedisCommand<?, ?, ?> > filter = cmd ->
The code above would filter out all DECR
commands from being replayed
after a reconnection. Another, perhaps more popular example, would be:
Predicate<RedisCommand<?, ?, ?> > filter = cmd -> true;
... which disables any command replay, but still allows the driver to re-connect, basically providing a way to have auto-reconnect without auto-replay of commands.
Clustered operations¶
Lettuce sticks in clustered operations to the same rules as for standalone operations but with one exception:
Command execution on master nodes, which is rejected by a MOVED
response are tried to re-execute with the appropriate connection.
errors occur on master nodes when a slot’s responsibility is
moved from one cluster node to another node. Afterwards at-least-once
and at-most-once rules apply.
When the cluster topology changes, generally spoken, the cluster slots or master/replica state is reconfigured, following rules apply:
at-most-once If the connection is disconnected, queued commands are canceled and buffered commands, which were not sent, are executed by using the new cluster view
at-least-once If the connection is disconnected, queued and buffered commands, which were not sent, are executed by using the new cluster view
If the connection is not disconnected, queued commands are finished and buffered commands, which were not sent, are executed by using the new cluster view