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High-Availability and Sharding


Redis can increase availability and read throughput by using replication. Lettuce provides dedicated Master/Replica support since 4.2 for topologies and ReadFrom-Settings.

Redis Master/Replica can be run standalone or together with Redis Sentinel, which provides automated failover and master promotion. Failover and master promotion is supported in Lettuce already since version 3.1 for master connections.

Connections can be obtained from the MasterReplica connection provider by supplying the client, Codec, and one or multiple RedisURIs.

Redis Sentinel

Master/Replica using Redis Sentinel uses Redis Sentinel as registry and notification source for topology events. Details about the master and its replicas are obtained from Redis Sentinel. Lettuce subscribes to Redis Sentinel events for notifications to all supplied Sentinels.

Standalone Master/Replica

Running a Standalone Master/Replica setup requires one seed address to establish a Redis connection. Providing one RedisURI will discover other nodes which belong to the Master/Replica setup and use the discovered addresses for connections. The initial URI can point either to a master or a replica node.

Static Master/Replica with predefined node addresses

In some cases, topology discovery shouldn’t be enabled, or the discovered Redis addresses are not suited for connections. AWS ElastiCache falls into this category. Lettuce allows to specify one or more Redis addresses as List and predefine the node topology. Master/Replica URIs will be treated in this case as static topology, and no additional hosts are discovered in such case. Redis Standalone Master/Replica will discover the roles of the supplied RedisURIs and issue commands to the appropriate node.

Topology discovery

Master-Replica topologies are either static or semi-static. Redis Standalone instances with attached replicas provide no failover/HA mechanism. Redis Sentinel managed instances are controlled by Redis Sentinel and allow failover (which include master promotion). The MasterReplica API supports both mechanisms. The topology is provided by a TopologyProvider:

  • MasterReplicaTopologyProvider: Dynamic topology lookup using the INFO REPLICATION output. Replicas are listed as replicaN=…​ entries. The initial connection can either point to a master or a replica, and the topology provider will discover nodes. The connection needs to be re-established outside of Lettuce in a case of a Master/Replica failover or topology changes.

  • StaticMasterReplicaTopologyProvider: Topology is defined by the list of URIs and the ROLE output. MasterReplica uses only the supplied nodes and won’t discover additional nodes in the setup. The connection needs to be re-established outside of Lettuce in case of a Master/Replica failover or topology changes.

  • SentinelTopologyProvider: Dynamic topology lookup using the Redis Sentinel API. In particular, SENTINEL MASTER and SENTINEL REPLICAS output. Master/Replica failover is handled by Lettuce.

Topology Updates

  • Standalone Master/Replica: Performs a one-time topology lookup which remains static afterward

  • Redis Sentinel: Subscribes to all Sentinels and listens for Pub/Sub messages to trigger topology refreshing


Since version 5.1, transactions and commands during a transaction are routed to the master node to ensure atomic transaction execution on a single node. Transactions can contain read- and write-operations so the driver cannot decide upfront which node can be used to run the actual transaction.


RedisClient redisClient = RedisClient.create();

StatefulRedisMasterReplicaConnection<String, String> connection = MasterReplica.connect(redisClient, StringCodec.UTF8,

System.out.println("Connected to Redis");

RedisClient redisClient = RedisClient.create();

StatefulRedisMasterReplicaConnection<String, String> connection = MasterReplica.connect(redisClient, StringCodec.UTF8,

System.out.println("Connected to Redis");

RedisClient redisClient = RedisClient.create();

List<RedisURI> nodes = Arrays.asList(RedisURI.create("redis://host1"),

StatefulRedisMasterReplicaConnection<String, String> connection = MasterReplica
        .connect(redisClient, StringCodec.UTF8, nodes);

System.out.println("Connected to Redis");


Redis Sentinel

When using Lettuce, you can interact with Redis Sentinel and Redis Sentinel-managed nodes in multiple ways:

  1. Direct connection to Redis Sentinel, for issuing Redis Sentinel commands

  2. Using Redis Sentinel to connect to a master

  3. Using Redis Sentinel to connect to master nodes and replicas through the {master-replica-api-link}.

In both cases, you need to supply a RedisURI since the Redis Sentinel integration supports multiple Sentinel hosts to provide high availability.

Please note: Redis Sentinel (Lettuce 3.x) integration provides only asynchronous connections and no connection pooling.

Direct connection Redis Sentinel nodes

Lettuce exposes an API to interact with Redis Sentinel nodes directly. This is useful for performing administrative tasks using Lettuce. You can monitor new master nodes, query master addresses, replicas and much more. A connection to a Redis Sentinel node is established by RedisClient.connectSentinel(). Use a Publish/Subscribe connection to subscribe to Sentinel events.

Redis discovery using Redis Sentinel

One or more Redis Sentinels can monitor Redis instances . These Redis instances are usually operated together with a replica of the Redis instance. Once the master goes down, the replica is promoted to a master. Once a master instance is not reachable anymore, the failover process is started by the Redis Sentinels. Usually, the client connection is terminated. The disconnect can result in any of the following options:

  1. The master comes back: The connection is restored to the Redis instance

  2. A replica is promoted to a master: Lettuce performs an address lookup using the masterId. As soon as the Redis Sentinel provides an address the connection is restored to the new Redis instance



RedisURI redisUri = RedisURI.create("redis://sentinelhost1:26379");
RedisClient client = new RedisClient(redisUri);

RedisSentinelAsyncConnection<String, String>  connection = client.connectSentinelAsync();

Map<String, String> map = connection.master("mymaster").get();
RedisURI redisUri = RedisURI.Builder.sentinel("sentinelhost1", "mymaster").withSentinel("sentinelhost2").build();
RedisClient client = RedisClient.create(redisUri);

RedisConnection<String, String> connection = client.connect();


Every time you connect to a Redis instance using Redis Sentinel, the Redis master is looked up using a new connection to a Redis Sentinel. This can be time-consuming, especially when multiple Redis Sentinels are used and one or more of them are not reachable.

Redis Cluster

Lettuce supports Redis Cluster with:

  • Support of all CLUSTER commands

  • Command routing based on the hash slot of the commands' key

  • High-level abstraction for selected cluster commands

  • Execution of commands on multiple cluster nodes

  • MOVED and ASK redirection handling

  • Obtaining direct connections to cluster nodes by slot and host/port (since 3.3)

  • SSL and authentication (since 4.2)

  • Periodic and adaptive cluster topology updates

  • Publish/Subscribe

Connecting to a Redis Cluster requires one or more initial seed nodes. The full cluster topology view (partitions) is obtained on the first connection so you’re not required to specify all cluster nodes. Specifying multiple seed nodes helps to improve resiliency as Lettuce is able to connect the cluster even if a seed node is not available. Lettuce holds multiple connections, which are opened on demand. You are free to operate on these connections.

Connections can be bound to specific hosts or nodeIds. Connections bound to a nodeId will always stick to the nodeId, even if the nodeId is handled by a different host. Requests to unknown nodeId’s or host/ports that are not part of the cluster are rejected. Do not close the connections. Otherwise, unpredictable behavior will occur. Keep also in mind that the node connections are used by the cluster connection itself to perform cluster operations: If you block one connection all other users of the cluster connection might be affected.

Command routing

The concept of Redis Cluster bases on sharding. Every master node within the cluster handles one or more slots. Slots are the unit of sharding and calculated from the commands' key using CRC16 MOD 16384. Hash slots can also be specified using hash tags such as {user:1000}.foo.

Every request, which incorporates at least one key is routed based on its hash slot to the corresponding node. Commands without a key are executed on the default connection that points most likely to the first provided RedisURI. The same rule applies to commands operating on multiple keys but with the limitation that all keys have to be in the same slot. Commands operating on multiple slots will be terminated with a CROSSSLOT error.

Cross-slot command execution and cluster-wide execution for selected commands

Regular Redis Cluster commands are limited to single-slot keys operation – either single key commands or multi-key commands that share the same hash slot.

The cross slot limitation can be mitigated by using the advanced cluster API for a set of selected multi-key commands. Commands that operate on keys with different slots are decomposed into multiple commands. The single commands are fired in a fork/join fashion. The commands are issued concurrently to avoid synchronous chaining. Results are synchronized before the command is completed.

Following commands are supported for cross-slot command execution:

  • DEL: Delete the KEYs. Returns the number of keys that were removed.

  • EXISTS: Count the number of KEYs that exist across the master nodes being responsible for the particular key.

  • MGET: Get the values of all given KEYs. Returns the values in the order of the keys.

  • MSET: Set multiple key/value pairs for all given KEYs. Returns always OK.

  • TOUCH: Alters the last access time of all given KEYs. Returns the number of keys that were touched.

  • UNLINK: Delete the KEYs and reclaiming memory in a different thread. Returns the number of keys that were removed.

Following commands are executed on multiple cluster nodes operations:

  • CLIENT SETNAME: Set the client name on all known cluster node connections. Returns always OK.

  • KEYS: Return/Stream all keys that are stored on all masters.

  • DBSIZE: Return the number of keys that are stored on all masters.

  • FLUSHALL: Flush all data on the cluster masters. Returns always OK.

  • FLUSHDB: Flush all data on the cluster masters. Returns always OK.

  • RANDOMKEY: Return a random key from a random master.

  • SCAN: Scan the keyspace across the whole cluster according to ReadFrom settings.

  • SCRIPT FLUSH: Remove all the scripts from the script cache on all cluster nodes.

  • SCRIPT LOAD: Load the script into the Lua script cache on all nodes.

  • SCRIPT KILL: Kill the script currently in execution on all cluster nodes. This call does not fail even if no scripts are running.

  • SHUTDOWN: Synchronously save the dataset to disk and then shut down all nodes of the cluster.

Cross-slot command execution is available on the following APIs:

  • RedisAdvancedClusterCommands

  • RedisAdvancedClusterAsyncCommands

  • RedisAdvancedClusterReactiveCommands

Execution of commands on one or multiple cluster nodes

Sometimes commands have to be executed on multiple cluster nodes. The advanced cluster API allows to select a set of nodes (e.g. all masters, all replicas) and trigger a command on this set.

RedisAdvancedClusterAsyncCommands<String, String> async = clusterClient.connect().async();
AsyncNodeSelection<String, String> replicas = connection.slaves();

AsyncExecutions<List<String>> executions = replicas.commands().keys("*");
executions.forEach(result -> result.thenAccept(keys -> System.out.println(keys)));

The commands are triggered concurrently. This API is currently only available for async commands. Commands are dispatched to the nodes within the selection, the result (CompletionStage) is available through AsyncExecutions.

A node selection can be either dynamic or static. A dynamic node selection updates its node set upon a cluster topology view refresh. Node selections can be constructed by the following presets:

  • masters

  • replicas (operate on connections with activated READONLY mode)

  • all nodes

A custom selection of nodes is available by implementing custom predicates or lambdas.

The particular results map to a cluster node (RedisClusterNode) that was involved in the node selection. You can obtain the set of involved RedisClusterNodes and all results as CompletableFuture from AsyncExecutions.

The node selection API is a technical preview and can change at any time. That approach allows powerful operations but it requires further feedback from the users. So feel free to contribute.

Refreshing the cluster topology view

The Redis Cluster configuration may change at runtime. New nodes can be added, the master for a specific slot can change. Lettuce handles MOVED and ASK redirects transparently but in case too many commands run into redirects, you should refresh the cluster topology view. The topology is bound to a RedisClusterClient instance. All cluster connections that are created by one RedisClusterClient instance share the same cluster topology view. The view can be updated in three ways:

  1. Either by calling RedisClusterClient.reloadPartitions

  2. Periodic updates in the background based on an interval

  3. Adaptive updates in the background based on persistent disconnects and MOVED/ASK redirections

By default, commands follow -ASK and -MOVED redirects up to 5 times until the command execution is considered to be failed. Background topology updating starts with the first connection obtained through RedisClusterClient.

Connection Count for a Redis Cluster Connection Object

With Standalone Redis, a single connection object correlates with a single transport connection. Redis Cluster works differently: A connection object with Redis Cluster consists of multiple transport connections. These are:

  • Default connection object (Used for key-less commands and for Pub/Sub message publication)

  • Connection per node (read/write connection to communicate with individual Cluster nodes)

  • When using ReadFrom: Read-only connection per read replica node (read-only connection to read data from read replicas)

Connections are allocated on demand and not up-front to start with a minimal set of connections. Formula to calculate the maximum number of transport connections for a single connection object:

1 + (N * 2)

Where N is the number of cluster nodes.

Apart of connection objects, RedisClusterClient uses additional connections for topology refresh. These are created on topology refresh and closed after obtaining the topology:

  • Set of connections for cluster topology refresh (a connection to each cluster node)


See Cluster-specific Client options.


RedisURI redisUri = RedisURI.Builder.redis("localhost").withPassword("authentication").build();

RedisClusterClient clusterClient = RedisClusterClient.create(redisUri);
StatefulRedisClusterConnection<String, String> connection = clusterClient.connect();
RedisAdvancedClusterCommands<String, String> syncCommands = connection.sync();


RedisURI node1 = RedisURI.create("node1", 6379);
RedisURI node2 = RedisURI.create("node2", 6379);

RedisClusterClient clusterClient = RedisClusterClient.create(Arrays.asList(node1, node2));
StatefulRedisClusterConnection<String, String> connection = clusterClient.connect();
RedisAdvancedClusterCommands<String, String> syncCommands = connection.sync();


RedisClusterClient clusterClient = RedisClusterClient.create(RedisURI.create("localhost", 6379));

ClusterTopologyRefreshOptions topologyRefreshOptions = ClusterTopologyRefreshOptions.builder()
                                .enablePeriodicRefresh(10, TimeUnit.MINUTES)


RedisURI node1 = RedisURI.create("node1", 6379);
RedisURI node2 = RedisURI.create("node2", 6379);

RedisClusterClient clusterClient = RedisClusterClient.create(Arrays.asList(node1, node2));

ClusterTopologyRefreshOptions topologyRefreshOptions = ClusterTopologyRefreshOptions.builder()
                                .enableAdaptiveRefreshTrigger(RefreshTrigger.MOVED_REDIRECT, RefreshTrigger.PERSISTENT_RECONNECTS)
                                .adaptiveRefreshTriggersTimeout(30, TimeUnit.SECONDS)


RedisURI node1 = RedisURI.create("node1", 6379);
RedisURI node2 = RedisURI.create("node2", 6379);

RedisClusterClient clusterClient = RedisClusterClient.create(Arrays.asList(node1, node2));
StatefulRedisClusterConnection<String, String> connection = clusterClient.connect();

RedisClusterCommands<String, String> node1 = connection.getConnection("host", 7379).sync();

// do not close node1


ReadFrom Settings

The ReadFrom setting describes how Lettuce routes read operations to replica nodes.

By default, Lettuce routes its read operations in multi-node connections to the master node. Reading from the master returns the most recent version of the data because write operations are issued to the single master node. Reading from masters guarantees strong consistency.

You can reduce latency or improve read throughput by distributing reads to replica members for applications that do not require fully up-to-date data.

Be careful if using other ReadFrom settings than MASTER. Settings other than MASTER may return stale data because the replication is asynchronous. Data in the replicas may not hold the most recent data.

Redis Cluster

Redis Cluster is a multi-node operated Redis setup that uses one or more master nodes and allows to setup replica nodes. Redis Cluster connections allow to set a ReadFrom setting on connection level. This setting applies for all read operations on this connection.

RedisClusterClient client = RedisClusterClient.create(RedisURI.create("host", 7379));
StatefulRedisClusterConnection<String, String> connection = client.connect();

RedisAdvancedClusterCommands<String, String> sync = connection.sync();
sync.set(key, "value");

sync.get(key); // replica read


Master/Replica connections ("Master/Slave")

Redis nodes can be operated in a Master/Replica setup to achieve availability and performance. Master/Replica setups can be run either Standalone or managed using Redis Sentinel. Lettuce allows to use replica nodes for read operations by using the MasterReplica API that supports both Master/Replica setups:

  1. Redis Standalone Master/Replica (no failover)

  2. Redis Sentinel Master/Replica (Sentinel-managed failover)

The resulting connection uses in any case the primary connection-point to dispatch non-read operations.

Redis Sentinel

Master/Replica with Redis Sentinel is very similar to regular Redis Sentinel operations. When the master fails over, a replica is promoted by Redis Sentinel to the new master and the client obtains the new topology from Redis Sentinel.

Connections to Master/Replica require one or more Redis Sentinel connection points and a master name. The primary connection point is the Sentinel monitored master node.

RedisURI sentinelUri = RedisURI.Builder.sentinel("sentinel-host", 26379, "master-name").build();
RedisClient client = RedisClient.create();

StatefulRedisMasterReplicaConnection<String, String> connection = MasterReplica.connect(


connection.sync().get("key"); // Replica read


Redis Standalone

Master/Replica with Redis Standalone is very similar to regular Redis Standalone operations. A Redis Standalone Master/Replica setup is static and provides no built-in failover. Replicas are read from the Redis master node’s INFO command.

Connecting to Redis Standalone Master/Replica nodes requires connections to use the Redis master for the RedisURI. The node used within the RedisURI is the primary connection point.

RedisURI masterUri = RedisURI.Builder.redis("master-host", 6379).build();
RedisClient client = RedisClient.create();

StatefulRedisMasterReplicaConnection<String, String> connection = MasterReplica.connect(


connection.sync().get("key"); // Replica read


Use Cases for non-master reads

The following use cases are common for using non-master read settings and encourage eventual consistency:

  • Providing local reads for geographically distributed applications. If you have Redis and application servers in multiple data centers, you may consider having a geographically distributed cluster. Using the LOWEST_LATENCY setting allows the client to read from the lowest-latency members, rather than always reading from the master node.

  • Maintaining availability during a failover. Use MASTER_PREFERRED if you want an application to read from the master by default, but to allow stale reads from replicas when the master node is unavailable. MASTER_PREFERRED allows a "read-only mode" for your application during a failover.

  • Increase read throughput by allowing stale reads If you want to increase your read throughput by adding additional replica nodes to your cluster Use REPLICA to read explicitly from replicas and reduce read load on the master node. Using replica reads can highly lead to stale reads.

Read from settings

All ReadFrom settings except MASTER may return stale data because replicas replication is asynchronous and requires some delay. You need to ensure that your application can tolerate stale data.

Setting Description
MASTER Default mode. Read from the current master node.
MASTER_PREFERRED Read from the master, but if it is unavailable, read from replica nodes.
REPLICA Read from replica nodes.
REPLICA_PREFERRED Read from the replica nodes, but if none is unavailable, read from the master.
LOWEST_LATENCY Read from any node of the cluster with the lowest latency.
ANY Read from any node of the cluster.
ANY_REPLICA Read from any replica of the cluster.


The latency of the nodes is determined upon the cluster topology refresh. If the topology view is never refreshed, values from the initial cluster nodes read are used.

Custom read settings can be implemented by extending the io.lettuce.core.ReadFrom class.